18th Annual Good Samaritan Cross Training 5K Race
Thank you to all our participants, volunteers & sponsors.
2024 Post Race Update
The staff at Hope of Glory Ministries would like to thank you for supporting us in our 18th Annual Good Samaritan 5K and Greenville’s Annual Cross Training 5K, in partnership with CrossFit Greenville! Your participation was a blessing to our staff and the many families we serve.
Together, we were able to raise over $17,000 that will help us in our mission to relieve burdens, empower families and proclaim Christ throughout our community! This event was accomplished by God’s grace, the hard work of our staff and many participants like yourself!
On race day, we had 160 participants between the 5K Run, Cross Training 5K, and Walk, along with about 35 volunteers to help man the course! We enjoyed a beautiful day and were encouraged by the many people who came out to support this event. We had a day of fun and fellowship with friends, both old and new!
Be sure to look at your race day map, which lists all the partnering sponsors that helped make the event a success! You can view the race pictures by going to our website and following the link to race day photos or Shutterfly at https://hopeofglory.shutterfly.com/pictures/
Various businesses contributed gifts for top finisher prizes at our UBE Post Race Party. The value of the race gifts-in-kind was estimated at over $7,000.00. Also on race day, anyone who brought five toiletry or household items for our co-op program received a complimentary gift card to Bake My Day.
Cat Knell
Executive Director
Event Details
October 12th, 2024 Registration: 6:45am-7:45am 5K Run, Cross Training 5K, and Walk - Begins @ 8:00 am U.B.E. Post-Race Party: 10:00 am-12:00 pm. Located at 516 Cotanche St, Greenville, NC 27858.

Race Photos
Timing Results
Just click on the corresponding year tab to view the results or use the search button for specific name search.
2024 Race Results
$ Dollars Raised
$ In-Kind Gift Value
Thank You to All Our 2024 Race Sponsors!