The staff at Hope of Glory Ministries would like to thank you for supporting us in our 18th Annual Good Samaritan 5K and Greenville’s Annual Cross Training 5K, in partnership with CrossFit Greenville! Your participation was a blessing to our staff and the many families we serve.

Together, we were able to raise over $17,000 after expenses that will help us in our mission to relieve burdens, empower families and proclaim Christ throughout our community! This event was accomplished by God’s grace, the hard work of our staff and many participants like yourself!

On race day, we had 160 participants between the 5K Run, Cross Training 5K, and Walk, along with about 35 volunteers to help man the course! We enjoyed a beautiful day and were encouraged by the many people who came out to support this event. We had a day of fun and fellowship with friends, both old and new!

Be sure to look at your race day map, which lists all the partnering sponsors that helped make the event a success! You can view the race pictures by going clicking the Shutterfly link here.

Various businesses contributed gifts for top finisher prizes at our UBE Post Race Party. The value of the race gifts-in-kind was estimated at over $7,000.00. Also on race day, anyone who brought five toiletry or household items for our co-op program received a complimentary gift card to Bake My Day.

Lastly, we would I ike to invite you to partner with us this Christmas as we collect brand new toys for our “Empower a Family Christmas Store”. Please bring any items by the ministry between October 25th and December 2nd! You may also contribute a financial gift to support this special outreach. Please review our quarterly report and partnering opportunities on the back of this letter, then contact me with questions at 252-321-6857 ext. 201 or We also welcome you to keep up with us throughout the year by visiting our Facebook page or website at


Cat Knell
Executive Director

16th Annual 5K Race Logo - White/Orange
Cat Knell 2022

Cat Knell

Executive Director

Cat started as an intern with Hope of Glory Ministries in 2015, and with the Lord’s guidance she transitioned to Executive Director in 2020. She strives to continue to see families lives be changed and empowered through the Co-op Program and outreach events. This ministry continues to make heart and habit changes right here in Pitt County, empowering families to reach financial health through biblical wisdom. Leading a nonprofit was once a young college girls dream, turned reality five years later. The Lord has called us to be use His word to transform lives, “therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing then in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).

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Donation Pickup Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in donating items to our Community Outlet and scheduling a pickup with us! We are happy to pick up all kinds of larger furniture items, provided they are in good condition, and cannot fit in a car. If you have only smaller items to donate, we ask that you drop those items off at the ministry. To inquire about a pickup, please send an email to with all the information listed below:

  • List of items you want to donate, along with their condition.
  • Email photos of all items.

Based on photos, we will notify you if we can take the items or not, and able to move forward with scheduling a pickup. As always, our warehouse staff will have the final say once they arrive and assess the items.

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number

Friendly reminder… The following items are not accepted for donation:

Anything that has to be installed:
• Ceiling fans
• Under cabinet microwave
• In the counter dishwasher
• Light fixtures

• Used mattress & box spring
• Used pillows, including throw pillows
• Used comforters
• Hospital beds
• Sofa bed
• Fabric futon mattress

• Box TVs
• Box TV armoires/consoles
• Projection TVs
• Used computers/printers
• House paint/chemicals
• Pianos/organs
• Encyclopedias

If you should have any questions regarding the items on the list, please contact us.